Tuesday 22 September 2009


Choosing What Genre To Do ?

I looked at different types of genres of music, I also looked at how they were portrayed through their promos, web designs and cd covers.

R & B - In this genre artists promo's where luxurious and tended to have a narrative in their video. The narrative used normally has something to do with the lyrics of the track. I also looked at Bobby Valentino’s webpage, his webpage shows an image of him self. This tells me that bobby Valentino’s image is marketed to sell records and obtain fans. His album is also promoted on his site and fans can listen to samples of his current tracks. Bobby Valentino's Webpage also follows the same conventions of the cd cover and have the same fonts, colour scheme and design.

Funky - In this genre artists promos were not as luxurious in comparison to R & B artists’ videos. Their videos tended to include narratives that develop the lyrics of the song and live footage that capture the reaction of the fans whilst listening to their tracks. Maleka’s Webpage seems to be less professional as it’s organised on a social networking site, however it has its advantages. The sites easy to access and to navigate around the artists’ website. It also has a music player allowing you to listen to the artists’ music. Maleka's webpage also follows the same conventions of her cd cover. That’s important to maleka because it makes her webpage or cd cover noticeable as it has the same House Style, Colour and Font.

Grime - Within this genre artist promos were dark and dull and not organised as such and very easy to produce. Websites of grime artists are not commercial and hard to find in comparison to other artists in other genres. I have come to the conclusion of producing a video for an artist in the funky genre. It will be a challenging to successfully produce the video following the conventions of the funky genre. It will also be realistic to try to develop a promo for such a genre based on its early development in UK. What track and artist within the funky genre am I going to research?

I am going to research attaca pesante and their track titled make it funky for me. Before producing this video I have to look into their target audience and find out what conventions my music video, Cd Cover will follow. By analysing music videos in the funky genre and webpages and Cd Covers of the artists.

The song titled make it funky for me can be described as a soulful slow song, that’s bubbly and representative of the funky genre.

Similar Artists

I have looked at other artists that produce funky music, such artists are Meleka and Egypt. Both of these female artist give something unique and soulful to the funky genre. There previous projects (Egypt -In The Morning,Meleka - Go) are very simalar to attaca pesantes - make it funky for me. So ive also looked at their promos, web pages and cd covers to help us with developing our own for attaca pesante. Attaca pesante also have "behind the cameras" footage of the making of their previous music videos. I have analysed the footage and found out how am i going to recreate the music video by working out what technical devices are used to create meaning etc (Lots of shots from different angles, lots of cuts between these different shots).

Textual Analysis

The Target Audience

Firstly I need to find out the target audience of the artist attaca pesante. Personally i have added the group on a social networking site called facebook. Ive looked at their friend list and fans commenting on their photo's and making blog entrys to have a rough idea of who their target audience is. Ive worked out that their target audience 14 - 25 years olds mostly women.

I Also found that attaca pesante's songs are played on radio stations that are targetted to a young urban audience this also gives me an idea of who their target audience is. Their tracks have been played on Kiss, Choice Fm and BBc 1 XTRA these radio stations are well known for their radio shows that appeal to young people, in the previous demographic mentioned (14 - 25 years Urban Audience). Allocating time slots for underground artists to expand from different genres mainly funky and grime. Attaca Pesante's involvement also suggests that target audience is urban between the ages of 14 - 25 years of age

After establishing a brief idea of the target audience for attaca pesante Lisa and Stephanie done more ressearch into the target audience and was able to find a media pack from BBC 1 Xtra.

This is a quote from the media pack lisa found:

'Its audience skews heavily to the 16 to 25 age group with a relatively strong share among fewer than 15s. Limited evidence available suggests, however, that only about one quarter of the audience is black – well above national average of about 7 per cent, but perhaps comparatively low for a station targeting that group, 7.3 per cent of all UK listeners'

As a group we now know that the target audience for Attaca Pesante are aged 16 to 25.

Stephanie made a very effective analysis that compared different artist's to attaca pesante's involvement in the music industry. She found out that as an artist they were relatively small however they had a greater involvment in the music industry for a unsigned artist in comparison to artists presented by logan sama.

I also found out that dj pioneer is a well known dj that broadcasts music for kiss fm and specialisises in the broadcasting tracks from the funky genre.

After establishing who our target audience were we needed to find out what they wanted to see in the music video.


As the majority of my friends on my social networking site fit the demographic it would be ideal to give out my poll online however the poll creator has an error at the moment so i have refered to the old fashion way of handing out polls. I decided to make different polls so i can find out what our target audince wanted to see in the music video.

What type Of funky house music do you like ?

a)Slow b)Fast c)Both

What motivates you to listen to Funky house when your

a)Happy b)Sad c)Bored

Would you say funky house is based on night life e.g. clubbing?

a)Yes b)No

What would you prefer to see in the music video ?

a) Bright colours b)Dark Colours

After receiving the feedback from the polls i would like to establish whether we are filming during the day and what kind of video we're doing (narrative, live footage) and what emotions and messages have to be evoked in the video.

I have received the feed back from the polls and i now know what my demographic wishes to see in the music video.

Vox Pops

Meaning 'voice of the people' vox pops is a media tools used to gather the opinions of the general public through video. This is easier than handing out paper questionnaires because it takes less time and people often find it easier to say their opinion rather than write it down.
Both myself and matu have constructed, flmed and edited our vox pops so we can find out what out demographic wants to see in our music video.

Story Board

As a group we have decided to make our own story boards individually for the music video attaca pesante - make it funky for me and then discuss each others ideas as a group. We then eventually want to come up with a final draft of the story board with all our ideas incorporated. However we also remembered what our target audience wanted to see in our video after our research and tried to include their ideas into the draft.

We are introduced to the main protagonist, who is a young female and therefore can be related to by much of our target audience. She is doing a normal breakfast routine, i.e. eating cereal, listening to the radio etc. when her phone vibrates. The audience is provided with a close-up of the phone which has the text message 'Want To Make It Funky'. At this point the track starts and our protagonists begins to try on different outfits. We have various shots of her making her way through London to the party. When she arrives, the door is opened by a young man and the song changes to a remixed version. The video ends with an extreme close up of our protagonist and the young man face to face.

Matu has also captured stills of the location and she has put them on her flickr and annotated them.

Stephanie uploaded a Windows Movie Maker version of the storyboard which is available to download from MediaFire. I did this because the file was too big to upload to Flickr or Blogger.

Pre Shoooting Docuements

As a group we had to make sure that we had feeled out all the pre shooting docuements properly. I personally done the Hazard Assement Forms and Call sheets for all the locations however because of the changes of location stephanie helped me change some of the information that wasnt relevant to us. stephanie also helped me with getting recording permissions and etc.


Due to unforeseen planning, we have decided to change actress to ensure that we can stick to the shooting schedule. We are now using Matu as our main protagonist, with Lisa and Stephanie as the extra girls in the video. This is much more convienient than relying on a person that has other major commitments and isn't always available.
This also allows all of us to have more of say on the different costumes and props that will be used in the video. Overall, this will ensure that we have a better quality video as our final product.


From the Vox Pop that Matu and Brendon Produced, some of the feedback from our target audience assoicated funkyhouse with bright colours. So from this idea, the costume of the young female in the video can also colour clash such as oran, green, purple. all these bright colours have a great link with Funkhouse

This Is Our Digipack